The Full Story
Brand Story
Life doesn’t come with a manual, but rumor has it that it’ll never be more than you can handle. Created out of the sin qua non to keep calm in the middle of uncertainty - better known as the wild ride of 2020, Lounge is a virtual guide to living a mindful life through an ethical and sustainable lens. Make life’s experiences make sense and enjoy necessities and luxuries that make life worth living.

Lounge is the premier virtual chill spot to soothing your mental unrest, keeping you physically distant, virtually present and socially aware. We provide ethical & sustainable lifestyle solutions in a space that allows you to refresh your mind, body and soul.
To be the verb and the noun, a virtual oasis in your pocket, on your desk, providing nourishing content, curating a mindful and sustainable lifestyle that is environmentally conscious and encourages physical and mental wellness. Lounge.